Dec 2, 2021 | Home Owner Tips, News
(This is a repost from an older blog I did, but as the cold weather plowed into North Carolina recently, I thought it would be quite helpful.) The temperatures are dropping and It won’t be long before winter arrives. Wouldn’t it be great to save some money on those...
Sep 2, 2021 | Decks, News, Screened
Back in December I wrote a blog about the price and lack of availability of lumber and what had to take place for it to go from the tree to the lumber yards. You can find that here if you didn’t have a chance to read it previously. Lumber Since then, lumber has gone...
Jul 6, 2021 | Decks, News
The last several years has brought new choices in composite wood products used to construct a deck. In twelve months, the cost of a wooden deck spiked to nearly equal that of composite models which don’t stain and you can wash with a hose. Homeowners who...